Minutes of a meeting held on Tuesday 2nd March 2010, St. Hugh’s Room, St Marys Church
Present: Colin Black, Dave Bracey, Margaret Chalk, Simon Cooper, Robin McCartney, Paul
McLintic, Sandra Rose, Louise Tasker
Apologies: Doreen Goodall
After the public meeting on 16th February, this interim committee met to form a Residents’ Association for the
1 Introductions
The interim committee membership list and contact details were updated.
It was agreed that Paul would act as Chairman, Sandra as Vice Chairman, Colin as Treasurer and Margaret as Secretary for the three month period prior to a public meeting when a permanent committee would be voted in.
(The meeting was interrupted at this point by a local resident who queried the efficiency of the publicity of meetings!)
2 Terms of Reference
The role of the interim committee was agreed to be as set out on the notice summarising the public meeting on 16 February.
3 Constitution
The advice received by email from Christine Selby of Harlow Council was noted, in particular that by appointing interim officers (as above) we were effectively “up and running”.
The following points were agreed:
1. Area covered by the Association This would be
2. Constitution Discussion took place regarding aims, membership requirement, voting rights, meetings, subscriptions, balance of committee members, etc., and these will be drawn up into a constitution document by Paul, Robin and Simon.
A key point was that the RA is a membership organisation and anyone living in the RA’s area is eligible to join and to speak at open meetings. Only members, however, should be able to vote or become officers or committee members and only members can call, attend and vote at a special meeting.
Concerning the nomination and election of the ongoing committee it was agreed to take Christine’s advice and publicise the next open meeting widely ensuring all have an opportunity to get involved but not to designate certain streets or groups of streets to be separately represented on the committee. (An email from Alan Bell of Drakes Meadow refers.)
3. Council recognition Paul will submit the necessary forms once the constitution was finalised.
4. Name It was agreed that we will be known as “Churchgate Street Residents’ Association” and a possible website “savechurchgatestreet.org”
4 Action Plan
A draft plan was reviewed and tasks were allocated. Paul will circulate an update showing who does what.
The following points were agreed:
1. Nominations It was not practical to seek nominations for the committee and officers before the next open meeting but that it was important that, as we are a membership organisation, as many residents as possible should register as members before that meeting in order to vote. This meant that item 6 on the plan was deleted as it was about seeking nominations. It also meant that the publicity and the leaflet about the next open meeting should encourage and enable residents to register as members of the association.
2. Electoral role We obtain an electoral roll so that we have all names and addresses available for circularisation of publicity.
3. Publicity Colin will put an entry in CM17 magazine and will produce a leaflet (with membership application form and explanation of the purpose of the Residents’ Association and date of next open meeting) to be delivered to all properties in the area. Committee members to help with distribution before the next public meeting.
4. Posters Posters to be put in local shop, pub, church in addition to leaflets through doors
5. Invited guests Muriel Jolles (local councillor) can be invited to committee meetings if it was felt to be helpful.
6. Public meeting Date of next public meeting will be during week beginning 26th April (Paul to check that hall is available)
Date of next committee meeting – 22nd March, 7.30 p.m. St. Hugh’s Room, St. Mary’s Church
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